Vehicle Code Violations
Any team Vehicle violating the vehicle code will be issued citations by Nevada Highway Patrol, Nye County Sheriff, Las Vegas Metro Police and CHP. In addition the Baker to Vegas motors and race officials have been instructed to issue their own observed race violations.
A time penalty or disqualification in accordance with the violation.
Follow Vehicle Following A Runner
1. The Follow Vehicle shall follow in back of the Runner at a safe distance.
2. The Follow Vehicle shall stay to the extreme right hand side of the roadway, straddling the pavement edge when practical.
Exception #1. For a very limited distance, the vehicle may be driven alongside of the Runner to render aid.
Exception #2. When a runner overtakes a Follow Vehicle, the overtaken vehicle shall move to the left to allow the runner to pass on the right of the vehicle.
Pt(5) to (DQ) Depending upon circumstances.
Runners Overtaking A Follow Vehicle
1. When a Runner overtakes a leading Runner, their Follow Vehicle shall call the lead Follow Vehicle, using the FRS radio, and request that they move to the left. The lead Follow Vehicle shall move to the left so that the runner can pass on the fog line or shoulder.
2. As soon as practical, the lead vehicle shall resume following both runners at the extreme r ight side of the roadway.
3. The overtaking Follow Vehicle shall remain behind the lead vehicle keeping to the extreme right side of the highway. Do not move to the drive lane to watch your runner!
4. When there is sufficient space between Runners, the lead Follow Vehicle shall inform the overtaking Follow Vehicle, by FRS Radio, that it is OK to move to the drive lane and pass.
Pt(5) to (DQ) Depending upon circumstances.
Follow Vehicles – ( Highway 160 Special Rules )
All Follow Vehicles and Runners traversing Highway 160 between Pahrump (Stage 12) and Fort Apache (Stage 18) shall remain on the paved shoulder of the Highway to the RIGHT of the fog line.
Follow Vehicles shall NOT move to the left of the fog line (into the traffic lanes) from Stage12 to Fort Apache. (30-miles) This INCLUDES while rendering aid to the runner.
Penalty depends upon the circumstances
Runner Passing Follow Vehicle (HWY 160)
When a Follow Vehicle is to be passed by a Runner, the overtaken Follow Vehicle shall move to the Left as far as possible, staying to the Right of the fog line. Slow up to allow the runner to pass on the Right.
Follow Vehicle Passing Another Follow Vehicle (HWY 160)
When a Leading Follow Vehicle is to be passed by another Follow Vehicle, the lead Follow Vehicle shall move to the Right onto the dirt shoulder.
Slow and/or Stop to allow the overtaking Follow Vehicle to pass quickly.
The passing Follow Vehicle shall stay to the Right of the fog line unless there is absolutely no other way to pass.
Pt(DQ) For any infraction
Passing Vehicles – General Rules For All Vehicles
1. No Passing zones: 100 feet before each Stage Entrance to 100 feet after each Stage entrance!
2. All Vehicles are prohibited from driving Side by Side except while in the process of passing.
3. An overtaken Vehicle shall pull to the far right of the roadway to assist the Passing Vehicle
4. The Passing Vehicle shall use the utmost caution in passing. Do not pass on Blind Spots or Curves.
5. Avoid using the south bound lane to pass congested areas unless you have a clear view of the oncoming traffic.
Pt(5) to (DQ) Depending upon the infraction ~ 2010
Follow Vehicle Observer
The Team Captain will provide the Follow Vehicle Observer with an Official Log Sheet stamped “OFFICIAL” This sheet is to be used for recording changed runners, downed runners and to claim Official Delays. All information printed on the Official Log Sheet by the observer shall be in PENCIL.
a. Log sheets must be turned in at the Finish Line within 15 minutes of your finish
b. When a downed runner is replaced, the observer shall indicate the replacement runners name above the downed runner and print the symbol DR to indicate a downed runner.